Did you notice it? Did you hear it? V 66…many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.! WOW! All I can think of is WHY? Why did those who had been following him…leave…why did they turn back? And more importantly…WHY did the 12 choose to follow him? That is our focus this morning…WHY did the 12 disciples continue to follow him…and WHY would they ultimately deny themselves…take up their crosses daily…and follow Him? This morning, I want to share with you 3 reasons from the book of John in chapters…1-6! There are more…in the rest of the book of John as well as the rest of the N.T.…but I just want to share with you 3 reasons…WHY the disciples followed him! And why they choose to deny themselves, take up their crosses daily, and follow HIM!?
Duration:42 mins 41 secs
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